Shipwreck’s Beach
Amenities: Restrooms, outdoor showers, one picnic table, and trash and recycle bins.
Kid Friendly: The beach, yes. The water, no.
Lifeguards: No
Directions & Parking: From Highway 520/Maluhia Road, turn left onto Ala Kinioki Road. In 3 miles, turn left onto Poipu Road. In about a half mile, you’ll see the Hyatt. Turn into the Hyatt, but do not take the lobby driveway. Instead, keep driving, and turn right at the Poipu Bay Golf Course and Restaurant. You’ll find a small parking lot straight ahead. You can also park closer to the beach, down the hill from the first lot. Once you’ve got your beach gear ready, weave through the boulder border, and you’re on Shipwreck’s Beach!
Shipwreck's Beach Rating by Boss Frog's
Summary 8.0/10
One of the south shore's less crowded beaches, Shipwreck's Beach is a beautiful and wild spread of sand with pounding waves and a high rocky point. Called "Shippie's" by the locals, this beach is directly outside the Grand Hyatt Resort. Shippie's is generally less crowded than Poipu. There is no snorkeling or swimming here, but you will see locals bodyboarding. Do not follow suit; they really know what they are doing. The waves are huge here, and the shoreline is very steep. There are no lifeguards, so it's best to a) stay out of the water and b) not jump from the rock. Otherwise, knock yourself out! This is a perfect place to walk and relax. If the waves aren't too big, you can explore on shore among the stones and driftwood to the right.
View the complete Kauai beaches page.
If you have any questions, feel free to call us at 1-808-661-3333.